How to Import Custom Covers as Templates into Goodnotes

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How to Import Custom Covers as Templates into Goodnotes


Are you tired of boring, standard notebook templates? Do you want to add some personalization to your note-taking experience? Well, you're in luck because today I'll be showing you how to import custom templates into GoodNotes.

First things first, open up GoodNotes and look for the gear icon in the top right corner of the screen. Click on it and select "Notebook Templates." From there, switch to the "Covers" section because we'll be importing GoodNotes covers for our notebooks.

You'll see what you currently have installed, but we want to import new ones, so click on the plus button in the top right corner and create a new group. I'm going to call mine "YouTube video," but feel free to name your group/folder whatever you like. 

Now, you'll see a blue "Import" button at the bottom of the screen. Click on it and choose whether your covers are saved as PDFs [ choose files ] or images [ choose photos ]. If you have them on your Google Drive like I do, select "Files" > “Google Drive” and then choose the ones you want to import. You can select all of them or just the ones you want.

Once you've made your selections, click "Open" and your covers will be imported into GoodNotes. These will now come up as defaults when you create a new document. If you want to rearrange them, click on "Edit" and use the three little lines on the right-hand side to drag and drop them where you want.

The default is "No Cover" at the top, followed by your imported covers. But you can change this to your liking. Once you're done, click "Done" and "Done" again in the opposite corner.

Now when you create a new notebook and select a cover, you'll have the option of a blank cover or your imported covers and any of the default app covers. It's that simple!

If you want to access your imported templates again, just go back to the "Notebook Templates" section from the gear icon.

Congratulations! You've successfully imported custom templates into GoodNotes. Now you can take notes and plan in style. Happy note-taking!
